
Saturday, February 2, 2008

Toba Lake -- Unforgetable Memory

After getting up early in the morning, we can not expect us to dress casual clothes. With a camera, we set out, driving in the direction of Lake Toba, which we have dreamed of for so long visit. On our way, we find a lot of traffic on both sides of the street and people already busy with their own affairs for the day. It is a surprise for me to discover how different local streets are back from their counterparts in China: the enormous and steep roofs and painted black with two arrows on both sides. In a country like Indonesia, where tropical rains often down cats and dogs, this type of roof is useful to channel rainwater on the roof so that the house below may not be crushed also a Much water accumulated up there. And I notice most often women don white head scarves. This is a multi-religious country, where the majority is Muslim. After closing the window of the car, I was listening to music - a beautiful piece of piano - light-hearted with my eyes closed slightly. My flows unconsciously think back to Feb. 20, the first day began at the test. The little equipment room was full of people - the trials and O & M people of the clientele, people from our staff, our tests, technical support and sales people. Tests of instruments, devices and terminals were on the table. The mother tongue, English, Mandarin and droning mixed with fans in the unit. The air was not hot, and it appears that the air-conditioning system has stopped working for some time. Everyone was like a machine to brisk walking, and more energetic in their march and speech. That day began our work furious. We encountered many problems. And I can not remember how many times we combed our brains for a test item or case, and were too exhausted to go to bed late at night or could not go to sleep after waking up more for no reason, early in the morning. How many unexpected difficulties, we met? Or how many times have we burn oil or night, even forget to eat while working? Now, all these are history - the problems and difficulties. Everything is fine for me, as the hot May sun. "This is our test field!" I heard someone screaming. Yes, that's where we conducted outfield test. On one side of the road are rows of palm trees. On the other is a vast tropical lowlands, all bright green under a clear blue sky. Not so long ago, along this road, in a dark night, our colleagues were driving test outfield, trying to locate areas not covered by the mobile and testing signals the transfer function. We should always remember how we felt that time. Lake Toba, our destination, is situated on the outskirts of Medan, a city in Sumatra, in western Indonesia. The largest lake in Southeast Asia is a most beautiful place. It has a large island in the middle, which was formed by volcanoes. During the three-month trial, we conducted in Medan, the engineers of our customers we talk about this lake, repeatedly spares no praise for its beauty, and suggested we should go there to a good time on weekends. Someone even told me: "You look tired. You should take a holiday. And your team too. To enjoy life. "And I say, jokingly:" Well, we are supermen, and we do not need a holiday! " In my heart, however, I said to myself: 'Who does not have a vacation and enjoy life? "But I had forgotten that when I thought about the pressure - tons of pressure - from of 1600 items. At least until the day when all the tests were conducted. Lastly, we are on our way to see you and be in your arms, beautiful lake Toba! Our car is ascendant and we soon lead among woods in the hills. The road is winding its way, with the forest thick and dark bring. we see monkeys and squirrels from climbing and jumping in the woods.

It is a place that is not contaminated by modern civilization. After a turn, a huge mass of blue water comes into view. It Lake Toba! It welcomes us with its lovely blue. The small island in the middle of the lake stretches far and wide. It blows a cool, moist winds from the lake surface which refreshes me. I open the window of the car to the maximum, allowing as much wind as possible. The lake seems peaceful and serene. I look at the lake, enjoying it very little - quiet and the surrounding landscape. It makes me forget my worries and concerns, and it gives me peace of mind that I would have. Our car goes on along the snaky mountain road, with the view of the lake yet in sight. In about half an hour, we arrived at the point where we want to stop. After preparing, we are all looking forward to the beach. The water is so clear and, if it's little, you can see sand under the sun was shining and the grass fresh float swinging slowly. The moment I dove into the lake, a feeling of freshness through me! Can I go back and I floated to the surface, with my hands and feet dragging slightly. I am half bathed in sunshine feel warm. And I can enjoy the view from the nearby hills, where trees sparsely populated projecting their shadows on the ground. The taste of spring in the same may vary from one person to another. Who knows its taste better? -- And not the person that sits in a chair under a tree shade and can drink spring at any time he wants, but an exhausted traveler who hunger and thirst after a long journey through desert, or a farmer toiling under the hot sun. What it is, a person without suffering hunger, thirst and neither knows how a good meal and water may taste, nor does it know the real taste of life. As for us, Huawei, a small test certificate means a great deal of effort by many, and a bit of news about our success can bring us tremendous pleasure and excitement. Ah, magnificent lake Toba, please take away our fatigue with your water clean and clear, and we refuel with your gentle breeze!

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